Megjelent az első legálisan kapható kannabisz olaj Nagy-Britanniában 1
UK CBD¿ – first British company to sell 100% legal ‘Charlotte’s Web’ CANNABIS OIL For immediate release UK CBD¿ are the first British company to sell 100% legal ‘Charlotte’s Web’ cannabis oil. The London & Kent based company are proud to be the country’s first official distributors of ‘Charlotte’s Web’ cannabis oil. The legal, cannabis oil supplements have been available from 31st July and are available at August 11 2015 | London, UK ‘Charlotte’s Web’ products gained international attention after CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta documented the positive effects that CBD oil had on Charlotte Figi, a child living with severe epilepsy in Colorado, in 2012. The report concluded cannabis oil effectively stopped the young girl’s severe seizures. Charlotte’s Web products are derived from a low THC, high CBD (Cannabidiol) cannabis strain that has been carefully manufactured and extracted in USA-based CW Botanical laboratories. All products consistently meet strict FDA and FSA guidelines and adhere to all UK customs clearances as the THC value of the low THC cannabis cannabis strains (also known as hemp) must be valued at less than 0.2% when grown. “As the leaders in the UK CBD market we are extremely proud to partner with CW¿Botanicals and to legally add their exclusive Charlotte’s Web products to our already impressive range,” UK CBD owner and CEO Nicolas P. Ellis said. “Their passion and dedication to making such high quality products is already well known globally. We believe that introducing these products to the UK market will help many people suffering from ECS (endocannabinoid system) deficiencies or for those who just wish to add these nutritious cannabinoids to their daily, dietary supplementation. Hemp is also rich in vitamins, minerals and omegas 3 & 6.” The release of these new products comes at an especially significant time in the cannabis as potential medicine movement in the UK. Last month, Durham’s PCC Ron Hogg publically announced that his force will no longer actively pursue cannabis smokers and small-scale growers. Most recently a petition calling on the Government to make the production, sale and use of cannabis legal, was signed by nearly 200,000 British residents in less than a week. To learn more about the UK CBD¿, Charlotte’s Web products, or to book an interview: Contact UK CBD¿ on 07827 973279,, or online at Owner and CEO Nicolas Ellis survived Meningococcal Meningitis and septicaemia in 2007; he now suffers from a number of chronic pain conditions including fibromyalgia and ulcerative colitis. For the past two years, he has been successfully managing the painful symptoms of his conditions with cannabinoid supplementation therapy. His positive experiences with legal cannabis based concentrate supplementation inspired him to open UK CBD last year. All UK CBD¿ products are gluten and dairy free, non-GMO and are vegan friendly. Every product is lab tested and certified. The Low THC Cannabis (hemp) is grown organically, without the use of harmful chemical fertilisers, pesticides or growth hormones of any kind. Recent and relevant links: The Guardian: Charlotte’s Web: the families using medical marijuana to help their kids The Independent: As a doctor, should I be able to prescribe cannabis to my patients? The Times: Our daughter, the cannabis user The Telegraph: Families with sick children flock to Colorado to try cannabis treatments The Vice: Desperately seeking CBD Daily Mail: We feed our daughter CANNABIS to stop her thousands of seizures each week The Sun: Cannabis helps sick girl, 5, ditch wheelchair Time Magazine: Finally, Some Hard Science on Medical Marijuana for Epilepsy Patients

Egy londoni és kenti székhelyű cég lett az első hivatalos és legális értékesítője a Charlotte’s Web nevű kannabisz olajnak.

UK CBD¿ - first British company to sell 100% legal 'Charlotte's Web' CANNABIS OIL For immediate release UK CBD¿ are the first British company to sell 100% legal 'Charlotte's Web' cannabis oil. The London & Kent based company are proud to be the country's first official distributors of 'Charlotte's Web' cannabis oil. The legal, cannabis oil supplements have been available from 31st July and are available at August 11 2015 | London, UK 'Charlotte's Web' products gained international attention after CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta documented the positive effects that CBD oil had on Charlotte Figi, a child living with severe epilepsy in Colorado, in 2012. The report concluded cannabis oil effectively stopped the young girl's severe seizures. Charlotte's Web products are derived from a low THC, high CBD (Cannabidiol) cannabis strain that has been carefully manufactured and extracted in USA-based CW Botanical laboratories. All products consistently meet strict FDA and FSA guidelines and adhere to all UK customs clearances as the THC value of the low THC cannabis cannabis strains (also known as hemp) must be valued at less than 0.2% when grown. "As the leaders in the UK CBD market we are extremely proud to partner with CW¿Botanicals and to legally add their exclusive Charlotte's Web products to our already impressive range," UK CBD owner and CEO Nicolas P. Ellis said. "Their passion and dedication to making such high quality products is already well known globally. We believe that introducing these products to the UK market will help many people suffering from ECS (endocannabinoid system) deficiencies or for those who just wish to add these nutritious cannabinoids to their daily, dietary supplementation. Hemp is also rich in vitamins, minerals and omegas 3 & 6." The release of these new products comes at an especially significant time in the cannabis as potential medicine movement in the UK. Last month, Durham's PCC Ron Hogg publically announced that his force will no longer actively pursue cannabis smokers and small-scale growers. Most recently a petition calling on the Government to make the production, sale and use of cannabis legal, was signed by nearly 200,000 British residents in less than a week. To learn more about the UK CBD¿, Charlotte's Web products, or to book an interview: Contact UK CBD¿ on 07827 973279,, or online at Owner and CEO Nicolas Ellis survived Meningococcal Meningitis and septicaemia in 2007; he now suffers from a number of chronic pain conditions including fibromyalgia and ulcerative colitis. For the past two years, he has been successfully managing the painful symptoms of his conditions with cannabinoid supplementation therapy. His positive experiences with legal cannabis based concentrate supplementation inspired him to open UK CBD last year. All UK CBD¿ products are gluten and dairy free, non-GMO and are vegan friendly. Every product is lab tested and certified. The Low THC Cannabis (hemp) is grown organically, without the use of harmful chemical fertilisers, pesticides or growth hormones of any kind. Recent and relevant links: The Guardian: Charlotte's Web: the families using medical marijuana to help their kids The Independent: As a doctor, should I be able to prescribe cannabis to my patients? The Times: Our daughter, the cannabis user The Telegraph: Families with sick children flock to Colorado to try cannabis treatments The Vice: Desperately seeking CBD Daily Mail: We feed our daughter CANNABIS to stop her thousands of seizures each week The Sun: Cannabis helps sick girl, 5, ditch wheelchair Time Magazine: Finally, Some Hard Science on Medical Marijuana for Epilepsy Patients

A kannabisz olaj hihetetlenül keresett termékké vált az elmúlt évek során, mint alternatív gyógymód számos betegségre, azonban a legalizálása egészen idáig nem történt meg, mivel a társadalom ellenezte, ugyanis a legtöbben a marihuánával azonosították. A UK CBD az első olyan cég, ami árulni kezdi a terméket Nagy-Britanniában, miután július 31-én sikerült legalizálni. CBD termékeket online már akár Angliába, akár Magyarországra is tudtok rendelni.

A Charlotte’s Web termékei alacsony THC tartalmú (a marihuána hatóanyaga) és magas CBD tartalmú kannabisz növények szárából készülnek. Tulajdonképpen a lényeg, hogy a növény számos pozitív élettani és gyógyító hatása kerül előtérbe, míg a kábulatot okozó hatást szinte teljesen kiiktatták a készítmény esetében. A termék a Charlotte’s Web nevet Charlotte Figi után kapta, akinek az epilepsziás rohamai drasztikus mértékben csökkentek öt éves korában az orvosi marihuána első használatát követően.

UK CBD¿ - first British company to sell 100% legal 'Charlotte's Web' CANNABIS OIL For immediate release UK CBD¿ are the first British company to sell 100% legal 'Charlotte's Web' cannabis oil. The London & Kent based company are proud to be the country's first official distributors of 'Charlotte's Web' cannabis oil. The legal, cannabis oil supplements have been available from 31st July and are available at August 11 2015 | London, UK 'Charlotte's Web' products gained international attention after CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta documented the positive effects that CBD oil had on Charlotte Figi, a child living with severe epilepsy in Colorado, in 2012. The report concluded cannabis oil effectively stopped the young girl's severe seizures. Charlotte's Web products are derived from a low THC, high CBD (Cannabidiol) cannabis strain that has been carefully manufactured and extracted in USA-based CW Botanical laboratories. All products consistently meet strict FDA and FSA guidelines and adhere to all UK customs clearances as the THC value of the low THC cannabis cannabis strains (also known as hemp) must be valued at less than 0.2% when grown. "As the leaders in the UK CBD market we are extremely proud to partner with CW¿Botanicals and to legally add their exclusive Charlotte's Web products to our already impressive range," UK CBD owner and CEO Nicolas P. Ellis said. "Their passion and dedication to making such high quality products is already well known globally. We believe that introducing these products to the UK market will help many people suffering from ECS (endocannabinoid system) deficiencies or for those who just wish to add these nutritious cannabinoids to their daily, dietary supplementation. Hemp is also rich in vitamins, minerals and omegas 3 & 6." The release of these new products comes at an especially significant time in the cannabis as potential medicine movement in the UK. Last month, Durham's PCC Ron Hogg publically announced that his force will no longer actively pursue cannabis smokers and small-scale growers. Most recently a petition calling on the Government to make the production, sale and use of cannabis legal, was signed by nearly 200,000 British residents in less than a week. To learn more about the UK CBD¿, Charlotte's Web products, or to book an interview: Contact UK CBD¿ on 07827 973279,, or online at Owner and CEO Nicolas Ellis survived Meningococcal Meningitis and septicaemia in 2007; he now suffers from a number of chronic pain conditions including fibromyalgia and ulcerative colitis. For the past two years, he has been successfully managing the painful symptoms of his conditions with cannabinoid supplementation therapy. His positive experiences with legal cannabis based concentrate supplementation inspired him to open UK CBD last year. All UK CBD¿ products are gluten and dairy free, non-GMO and are vegan friendly. Every product is lab tested and certified. The Low THC Cannabis (hemp) is grown organically, without the use of harmful chemical fertilisers, pesticides or growth hormones of any kind. Recent and relevant links: The Guardian: Charlotte's Web: the families using medical marijuana to help their kids The Independent: As a doctor, should I be able to prescribe cannabis to my patients? The Times: Our daughter, the cannabis user The Telegraph: Families with sick children flock to Colorado to try cannabis treatments The Vice: Desperately seeking CBD Daily Mail: We feed our daughter CANNABIS to stop her thousands of seizures each week The Sun: Cannabis helps sick girl, 5, ditch wheelchair Time Magazine: Finally, Some Hard Science on Medical Marijuana for Epilepsy Patients

A kannabisz olaj jótékony hatásai közt fontos még megemlíteni, hogy tele van vitaminokkal, ásványi anyagokkal és omega 3-at és 6-ot is tartalmaz.

Néhány olyan betegség, melyek kezelésében már bizonyított a kannabinoidok gyógyászati hatásossága:

  • Ízületi gyulladás
  • Rák
  • Crohn-betegség
  • Cukorbetegség
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Sclerosis multiplex
  • Parkinson-kór

Egy nemrégiben indított petíciót, ami a kanabisz legalizálását szorgalmazza, alig egy hét alatt több, mint 200,000-en írták alá.

„Hiszünk benne, hogy a termékek bevezetése Nagy-Britaniában rengeteg emberen fog segíteni. A UK CBD hihetetlenül büszke rá, hogy a CW Botanicals a partnere lett, és hogy a termékeket mostantól legálisan használhatja mindenki, akin segíthet. A CW Botanicals elhivatottsága a minőségi készítmények iránt világszerte ismert és elismert.” – nyilatkozta a UK CBD igazgatója.

Több, még ma is létező gyógyszeripari cég is forgalmazott már egyébként kender alapú gyógyszereket az 1800-as és a korai 1900-as évek során. Sokak szerint a marihuána jelenlegi korlátozásai nem azért vannak érvényben, mert a kender káros, hanem a gyógyszeripari lobbi miatt, miközben sajnos milliók szenvednek és halnak meg feleslegesen.


Magyar Ügyvéd Angliában – Kártérítési Igények Személyi Sérüléses Balesetek Vagy Orvosi Műhibák Után